Environment committment
More than 30 years we have been using solar energy for hot water production and since November 2010 also for power generation. The thermal insulation of the house in 2011 was deliberately not made of plastic materials – dispite higher costs, and since the beginnings of 2014 our heating no longer is based on fossil combustibles. Since 2022 we also have an electric car. Changes to the apartments also follow our philosophy: wherever possible we use natural materials (floors and furniture in wood, sheep wool, cotton, decorative items made of natural materials...) and high-quality, durable objects.Read more
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We do our shopping in a way that minimizes waste and - if possible - recycle what we cannot avoid. Our beverage service is limited to natural, domestic products in returnable bottles. Cultivation around the house largely follows biological principles (no artificial fertilizer, as far as possible natural »insecticide«, use of herbs against pests, composting, etc.) and the chickens are kept appropriately. If you are interested, the landlord likes to show you where and how the raw material for our homemade products is growing. Just ask!Close