Thomas ThalerResponsible for content
Dichristin MarthaContact
Gästehaus Pfuss - Family ThalerPfuß 18
39052 Kaltern
South Tyrol/Italy
MWST. 03025460217
CIN IT021015B4SIBA454P
Phone: +39 0471 964148
Mobile Phone: +39 339 1708048
E-Mail: gaestehaus-pfuss@rolmail.net
Web: www.gaestehaus-pfuss.com
Fam. Thaler, AlexFilz, Helmuth Rier, Maurice Haas, Florian Andergassen, PixabayAutumn icon by Icons8
Draft and programming
Thomas Thaler(In case of technical problems please contact: gaestehaus-pfuss@rolmail.net)
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